Page 63 - Handbook MBBS
P. 63
Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019
h. Students are not permitted to receive any form of assistance on
matter pertaining examination when the examination is in
i. Students who wish to attract the attention of the Invigilator(s)
during the examination shall do so by raising their hands.
j. Students should bring to the attention of the Invigilator(s) any
type of distraction (e.g. distracting noise) which adversely affect
them during the examination.
k. Students must not leave the examination room during the period
of the examination. Students who wish to leave the examination
room for a short period for washroom visit must obtain
permission from Invigilator(s). If such permission is given, they
shall not attempt to contact any person or refer to any material
relating to the examination whilst outside the examination room.
Wherever possible, students should be accompanied by an
l. Washroom visit is only allowed after the first thirty (30) minutes,
and before the last thirty (30) minutes examination is conducted.
m. Students, who leave the examination room during the
examination without the permission of the Invigilator, shall be
considered to have completed their work and shall not be
readmitted into the room.
n. Students who fall ill and not able to continue the examination
must report to the Invigilator.
o. Students are strictly forbidden from the following practices:
i. Being in possession of any unauthorized information, either
in written, printed or electronically stored;
ii. Borrowing instruments or materials from another candidate
except with permission of the Invigilator;
iii. Attempting to read or copy the work of another candidate;
iv. Causing a disturbance in the examination room.
After the Examination
a. Students should stop writing upon instructed by the Invigilator(s),
and remain in their seats in silence whilst scripts, empty answer
booklets, or other papers are collected.
b. Students should not remove from the examination room any
papers or examination materials.
M a n a g e m e n t a n d S c i e n c e U n i v e r s i t y Page 53