Page 59 - Handbook MBBS
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Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

              4    End-of-Posting   Pass all postings   Pass all   No      N/A      Progress to Year
                    Examinations    and blocks   postings and                            5
                                    (beginning     blocks
                                   academic year   Fail 1 or 2   Yes      Pass all   Progress to Year
                                    2018/2019)   posting (s) or          postings        5
                                                   blocks                Fail 1 or 2   Repeat Year 4
                                                 Fail 3 or more   No       N/A       Repeat Year 4
                                                  postings /
              5    End-of-Posting   Completed all   N/A         No         No       Eligible to Sit for
                    Examinations     postings                                        Professional
                                                                                    Examination III
                    Professional   Obtain marks of   Pass       No         N/A        Complete
                   Examination III   50% and above                                    programme
                                  Obtain marks of    Fail    Yes, within   Pass       Complete
                                  49% and below               6 months                programme
                                                                           Fail      Remedial and
                                                                                    Repeat Exam in
                                                                                      6 months
                      Repeat      Obtain marks of   Pass        No         N/A        Complete
                    Professional   50% and above                                      programme
                   Examination III   Obtain marks of   Fail   Yes, within   Pass      Complete
                                  49% and below               6 months                programme
                                                                           Fail     Terminate from

                   Student who fails the Professional Examination III shall be allowed to repeat the examination in six months period
                        (provided that he/she has not exhausted the allowed year of study upon approval from the Senate).

            23.  EXAMINATION

                23.1  Examination Timetable
                      a.   Examination shall take place as indicated in the Academic Calendar.  The
                           method of examination is as stated in the module guide.
                      b.   All  examination  timetables  shall  be  proposed  and  prepared  by  the
                           School. For Professional Examination, shall be endorsed by Senate.
                      c.   Changes  to  the  examination  timetable  shall  only  be  done  with  the
                           approval by the Dean and endorsed by Senate.
                      d.   Finalized Exam Timetable is available on e-KLAS.

                23.2  Examination Venue
                      Examination will be conducted at venues deemed appropriate for the type of

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