Page 66 - Handbook MBBS
P. 66

Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                23.9  Release of Results
                      a.   All results are released after endorsement by the Senate.  Students may
                           view and print the statement of results online from e-KLAS.
                      b.   For  graduating  students,  statement  of  results  can  be  obtained  offline
                           from the Dean’s Office.
                      c.   Only official results released by Registrar Office (Examination & Awards)
                           are valid. Results from other sources are invalid.
                      d.   Any request for reprinting of results will be subject to a minimum charge
                           of RM5.00 per piece.

                23.10 Academic Transcripts and Certificates
                      Both  documents  will  be  released  immediately  ONLY  after  graduation
                      ceremony.  Early  release  of  academic  transcripts  is  upon  request  subject  to
                      payment of graduation fee.

            24.  APPEALS
                Students may appeal against any decision involving academic results. Appeal can be
                forwarded for the following academic decision:

                24.1  Reconsideration of Assessment (Remarking)
                      a.   Students need to fill in the Application Form, which is available at the
                           Examination & Awards Department.
                      b.   The  application  for  remarking  theory  paper  must  be  submitted  to
                           Examination  &  Awards  Department  where  a  non-refundable  fee  of
                           RM1000.00 is charged per exam.
                      c.   Appeal must be made within 2 weeks from the announcement of the
                           examination results.
                      d.   The answer script will be re-examined by a panel of examiners approved
                           by the School Academic Committee (SAC).
                      e.   The  SAC  and  subsequently  the  University  Academic  Committee  (UAC)
                           will deliberate the result before seeking endorsement from Senate, after
                           which the result is final.

                24.2  Re-Admission Upon Failing To Register
                      a.   Students of this category may initially submit a formal appeal in writing
                           to  the  Registrar  Office;  describing  the  exact  nature  of  the  case  and
                           reason for appeal.
                      b.   The case will be presented to the Appeal Committee.

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