Page 65 - Handbook MBBS
P. 65

Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                      i.   Receive a mandatory counselling.
                      j.   Pay a minimum penalty of RM1000.00

                23.8  Other Provisions

                      23.8.1 Ill Health or Other Extenuating Circumstances
                           Students  who  are  medically  unfit  to  attend  classes,  complete
                           assignments and attend assessments and examinations, must present a
                           medical  certificate  or  medical  report  or  any  documented  supporting
                           evidence,  to  their  Module  Coordinator  (Pre-Clinical) and  Head  of  Unit
                           (Clinical).  The  School  Academic  Committee  shall  consider  the
                           information  provided  by  the  students  for  recommendation  to  the

                      23.8.2 Special Examination
                           a.    Students  who  are  unable  to  attempt  the  final  examination  with
                                 valid  reason(s)  due  to  ill  health  or  other  extenuating
                                 circumstances may apply for a Special Examination.
                           b.    In  the  context  of  examination,  the  medical  report  or  medical
                                 certificate  or  any  document  supporting  evidence  must  be
                                 submitted to the Registrar Office (Examination & Awards) within
                                 forty-eight  (48)  hours  from  the  date  the  examination  is  missed.
                                 Student who fails to do so is deemed to be absent without valid
                                 reason, thus will be given a grade F for the course concerned.
                           c.    Approval  for  any  application  for  special  examination  is  at  full
                                 discretion of the Senate.
                           d.    The Special Examination will be conducted at a scheduled date as
                                 approved by the Senate.

                      23.8.3 Special Examination Fee
                           Students who have been approved for Special Examination have to pay
                           the Special Examination fee as determined by Account Department.

                      23.8.4 Repeating of Course due to absent in examination without valid reason
                           Students  who  fail  to  submit  any  document  supporting  evidences  is
                           deemed to be absent without reason, thus a grade “F” will be given for
                           the course concerned. Students need to pay for the full fee to repeat
                           that particular course(s).

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