Page 64 - Handbook MBBS
P. 64
Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019
c. Students shall leave the examination room when instructed, in an
orderly manner.
d. Students must ensure that all personal belongings deposited are
23.6 Examination Misconduct
The University takes a serious view of examination misconduct. The following
circumstances shall be considered as examination misconduct or liable leading
to examination misconduct.
a. Falsify Student ID Card or Examination Entrance Slip for an examination
or any assessment.
b. Withhold or falsify information or documents pertaining to leave of
absence in examination or any assessment.
c. Receive or make any unauthorized communication during the
d. Receive information that the students have been made known of the
actual examination questions in whole or in parts.
e. Offer a bribe or inducement to invigilators, academic or administrative
staff, examiners or other persons connected with the assessments.
f. Obtain or seek to obtain access to examination papers prior to the
g. Perform any transgression of examination conduct, rules and
23.7 Penalty on Examination Misconduct
Students involved in any misconduct shall be brought to the Disciplinary Board
for further inquiry. Upon reaching a verdict, approval and endorsement from
the Senate will be sought. The penalty imposed could be any one or a
combination of the followings, based on the severity of the case:
a. Expulsion from the University.
b. Suspension or detention from the University for a duration deemed
suitable not exceeding one (1) semester.
c. Fail status in respective course(s)/module(s).
d. Fail status in all courses/modules registered in the respective academic
e. Total or partial re-assessment of a registered course /module.
f. Barred from examination(s).
g. Perform Community Service.
h. Receive a written warning.
M a n a g e m e n t a n d S c i e n c e U n i v e r s i t y Page 54