Page 68 - Handbook MBBS
P. 68
Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019
study years of the programme at the school level. One (1) award is given
per programme.
g. Industrial Award
This award is conferred to students with excellent achievement in final
year project / internship / research at faculty / school level.
25.2 Assessment for Graduation
A student must fulfil the following provisions before he/she is conferred an
MBBS degree:
a. Fulfil all requirements of Academic Regulations
b. Pass in all courses/modules as per programme structure
c. Acknowledged by the Senate for conferment of MBBS Degree
d. Has paid all duly charged fees by the University for the programme
e. Has achieved the minimum requirement for the Malaysian University
English Test (MUET) or its equivalent.
f. Has achieved GEmS points of 300.
25.3 Students Clearance
a. Students who have completed their studies are required to complete the
Students Clearance Form available at the Registrar Office (Admission &
b. Completion letter may be issued upon request following the clearance
25.4 Convocation Ceremony
a. Students will be invited to the Convocation Ceremony if there are no
issues with the clearance process.
b. An invitation letter to notify the date and other relevant information
shall be mailed to each student by the Registrar Office.
c. Students therefore must ensure that their home address is
correct/update on the student record system (KLAS).
d. Details of the ceremony and other requirements shall be available at the
University’s website (
Any act that could bring the University into disrepute, involvement in criminal
activities or academic misconduct as stipulated on Academic Misconduct may
warrant a maximum penalty of study termination.
M a n a g e m e n t a n d S c i e n c e U n i v e r s i t y Page 58