Page 67 - Handbook MBBS
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Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                      c.   Re-admission may be considered only for the lapse of not more than two
                           (2) academic years.
                      d.   The outcome of the Appeal Committee shall be final.

                24.3  Verdict on examination misconduct
                      a.   Students will be issued a letter on the outcome of a hearing.  An appeal
                           on the verdict of hearing can be made within 7 days of the date of the
                      b.   The appeal must be made in writing, address to the Registrar.
                      c.   The appeal will be forwarded to the Appeal Committee for approval.
                      d.   The outcome of the Appeal Committee shall be final.

            25.  GRADUATION AND AWARD

                25.1  Awards
                      The University recognizes students with outstanding performances through the
                      following awards:
                      a.   Dean’s List
                           A student who obtains Distinction in:
                             i.   Any semester examination for year 1 and year 2
                             ii.   Any end-of-posting/block examination for year 3, 4 and 5
                      b.   President’s List
                           A student who obtains Distinction in any Professional Examination.
                      c.   Chancellor Gold Medal Award
                           This recognizes students with outstanding overall achievement in both
                           academic and extra-curricular activities. Only one recipient will receive
                           this award.
                      d.   President Award
                           This  award  is  given  to  students  with  excellent  overall  achievement  in
                           both academic and extra-curricular activities and attains GPA more than
                           3.75 in all semesters. Only one (1) recipient will be chosen for Bachelor
                           level and one (1) recipient for Diploma level.
                      e.   Mohd Shukri Yajid Outstanding Award
                           This  award  recognizes  students  who  have  demonstrated  outstanding
                           achievement    in   extra-curricular   activities,   leadership   and/or
                           entrepreneurship.  Only one recipient will receive this award.
                      f.   Academic Award
                           This award is conferred to students with the best academic achievement
                           whereby  he  or  she  has successfully  received  Dean’s  List  Award  in  the

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