Page 62 - Handbook MBBS
P. 62

Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                                 jacket,  bag  or  other  items  brought  into  the  examination  room
                                 shall be deposited as directed by the Invigilator(s).
                           i.    It  is  strictly  forbidden  to  bring  into  the  examination  room  any
                                 books,  dictionaries,  notes,  writing  paper,  hand  phones,
                                 mathematical tables or devices which capable of storing electronic
                                 data,  other  than  those  specifically  allowed  for  the  examination.
                                 Any  such  item(s)  shall  be  deposited  as  directed  by  the
                           j.    Students shall not eat, drink or smoke in the examination room.
                           k.    Students who arrive within the first thirty (30) minutes after the
                                 examination  has  commenced,  will  be  allowed  to  take  the
                                 examination.  However,  NO  ADDITIONAL  TIME  will  be  given  to
                           l.    Students shall not be admitted to the examination room if they
                                 present  themselves  later  than  30  minutes  after  the
                                 commencement of the examination, except with the permission
                                 from the Head, Registrar Office (Examination & Awards).

                           During the Examination
                           a.    Students shall then read and follow the instructions stated on the
                                 cover  page  of  the  answer  booklet.    Students  shall  fill  in  the
                                 particulars  in  the  Examination  Attendance  Slip  and  other
                                 information as required on the answer booklet cover page.
                           b.    Students shall also write their Student ID number on every page of
                                 the answer booklet and other attachment submitted as part of the
                                 answer sheets.
                           c.    Students  shall  not  open  or  write  in  the  Examination  Question
                                 Booklet  until  the  start  of  the  examination  is  announced  by  the
                                 Chief Invigilator.
                           d.    Once the start of examination is announced, students must ensure
                                 that  the  correct  question  paper  is  given  with  sufficient  pages
                                 before attempting to answer the questions.
                           e.    In  the  event  of  wrong  question  paper  distributed  to  student(s),
                                 student(s) must inform the Invigilator(s) on duty immediately.
                           f.    Students  must  comply  with  all  instructions  given  by  the
                                 Invigilator(s).  This  may  also  include  instruction  to  leave  the
                                 examination room.
                           g.    Any form of communication among students as well as between
                                 students and other parties is strictly prohibited.

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