Page 60 - Handbook MBBS
P. 60
Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019
23.3 Examination Entrance Slip
a. It is MANDATORY for all students to have Examination Entrance Slip
before sitting the examination.
b. The Examination Entrance Slip can be printed online or offline. Students
will be notified accordingly via e-KLAS.
c. Online printing is from e-KLAS, whilst offline printing can be done at the
Registrar Office (Examination & Awards) with a minimal fee of RM10.00.
d. Prior to the printing of Examination Entrance Slip, students must ensure
the following procedures are taken:
i. Settle all outstanding fees within the stipulated timeframe as
indicated by Account Department;
ii. Once fees are settled, students are required to activate payment
status at Account Department immediately;
iii. Complete online Beyond Expectation, Course Evaluation and
Lifestyle Surveys as required.
e. Settlement of fees and payment status activation must be made before
the commencement of examination week; i.e. latest by 5.00pm, on
Friday, the last week of lecture. NO settlement of fees to be done during
the examination week.
f. Students must produce a VALID Examination Entrance Slip for the
examination. FALSIFYING of the Examination Entrance Slip may cause
DISCIPLINARY ACTION be taken against students. Such offense may
results in a maximum penalty of an EXPULSION from the University.
g. NO temporary Examination Entrance Slip will be issued to students for
the examination.
h. Students are advised to verify information stated on the slip to ensure all
information is correct and complete. Should there be any errors;
Registrar Office (Examination & Awards) must be notified.
23.4 Examination Attendance List and Seat Number
Examination attendance list which displays students’ seat number will be
uploaded for students’ reference on e-KLAS a day prior to the commencement
of examination.
M a n a g e m e n t a n d S c i e n c e U n i v e r s i t y Page 50