Page 58 - Handbook MBBS
P. 58
Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019
22.5 Eligibility to Sit for Examination
To be eligible to appear for University examination, a student:
a. Shall have satisfactorily completed ALL modules/postings and fulfil
requirements of the respective modules/postings (e.g. assignments,
logbook, etc.)
b. Must attend ALL teaching-learning sessions. Any absenteeism must be
with valid reasons. Calculation of attendance includes any extra hours
(e.g. on-call) determined for the students by the School. Minimum of
80% attendance is required to be eligible to appear for the examination.
c. Shall fulfil any other requirement prescribed by the university; e.g.
payment of fees, disciplinary actions, etc.
22.6 Academic Progression
Year Examination Minimum Results Required to Repeat Exam Progression
Requirement for Sit for Results Status
Pass Repeat
1 Professional Obtain marks of Pass No N/A Progress to Year
Examination I 50% and above 2
Obtain marks of Fail Yes, within 5 Pass Progress to Year
49% and below weeks time 2
Fail Repeat Year 1
2 Professional Obtain marks of Pass No N/A Progress to Year
Examination II 50% and above 3
Obtain marks of Fail Yes, within 5 Pass Progress to Year
49% and below weeks time 3
Fail Repeat Year 2
Student who fails Repeat Professional II examination will be allowed to repeat year 2 provided he/she has never
repeated year 1
3 End-of-Posting Pass clinical exam Pass all No N/A Progress to Year
Examinations component (50%) postings 4
and overall (50%)
Fail 1 or 2 Yes Pass all Progress to Year
posting (s) postings 4
Fail the Repeat Year 3
Fail 3 or No N/A Repeat Year 3
M a n a g e m e n t a n d S c i e n c e U n i v e r s i t y Page 48