Page 57 - Handbook MBBS
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Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                      iii.  Repeat End-of-posting Examinations Year 3 And Year 4
                          Major postings – Medicine, Surgery, O&G, Pediatrics
                          Clinical Exam is a standalone exam

            Continuous assessment                                                        30%
            Carry forward (from first time exam)                                  30%

            Final End-of-posting                                                         70%
            MCQ                 30 questions / 1 hr                               10%
                                T/F question / One Best Answer
            MEQ                 2 questions (20 minutes / question)               10%
            SEQ                 2 questions (20 minutes / question)               10%

            Clinical (any combination)
            Long case / short case (s)  / viva Modified Long Case                 30%
            OSCE                5 stations (5 minutes / station)                  10%
            Total                                                                       100%
                   For repeat examinations, the components and weightage of the examination may
                   be  subjected  to  change  as  per  recommended  by  the  SAC  and  endorsed  by
                   University Senate.

                22.4  Grading Scheme
                                         Table 11: Grading Scheme
                         MARKS (%)    GRADE                 MEANING
                          80 - 100      A     EXCELLENT (Distinction subject to viva)
                          75 - 79       A-    EXCELLENT (Distinction subject to viva)
                          70 - 74       B+    VERY GOOD
                          65 - 69       B     GOOD
                          60 - 64       B-    GOOD
                          55 - 59       C+    PASS
                          50 - 54       C     PASS
                          46 - 49       C-    FAIL
                          43 - 45       D+    FAIL
                          40 - 42       D     FAIL
                           0 - 39        F    FAIL

                                         M a n a g e m e n t   a n d   S c i e n c e   U n i v e r s i t y    Page 47
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