Page 31 - Handbook MBBS
P. 31
Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019
iii. The SRC may elect among them, individuals to become the
Chairman, Deputy Chairman, five (5) Vice-Chairman, each to
become the Vice-Chairman (Academic), the Vice-Chairman
(Welfare), the Vice-Chairman (Moral), two Vice-Chairman
(Activity), the Secretary and Treasurer
iv. The SRC may also elect a Supporting Committee to assist them in
their operations
v. The term of appointment for the SRC members and their
relevant committee is for ONE (1) year
vi. Any decision and resolution from the SRC shall be made in
vii. The SRC may, from time to time, with the permission from the
University President, establish ad hoc committees for organizing
special activities/functions
viii. Any student found guilty through the deliberations of the
Disciplinary Board will automatically loose his/her position in the
SRC or will be disqualified from any SRC future elections
ix. The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining a proper account
and must produce a financial report latest by one (1) month
before the next election
x. The SRC will organize regular meetings and it is the responsibility
of the Chairman to chair the meeting and the Secretary to
prepare the minutes
xi. The Deputy Chairman will be acting on behalf of the Chairman
during his/her absence
b. The general function of SRC is to act as representatives of the university
students and relate all the students’ needs, problems and requirements
to the management of the University. SRC also will act as intermediary
for the management of the University and the students.
c. In order to enhance the spirit of cooperation and teamwork among the
students of the University, SRC may arrange and coordinate recreational
facilities, academic and non-academic activities. It may make appeals to
the University and provide information on the students’ environmental
welfare as well as their activities. SRC can also conduct any activity that
has been determined by the Council, SCD or University.
d. The SRC has meetings on semester basis with Vice Chancellor/Vice
President of Academic to provide feedback on curriculum and teaching-
learning processes at the University. The SRC also meets with the
President once a term for discussions and to provide feedback.
M a n a g e m e n t a n d S c i e n c e U n i v e r s i t y Page 21