Page 35 - Handbook MBBS
P. 35
Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019
15.1 Student ID Card
Issuance & Student ID Card Validity
a. All students will be issued with a Student ID Card upon enrolment. The
card should be valid for the whole duration of study at the University
and an expiry date shall be printed on the card based on the minimum
duration of study allowed for the programme enrolled.
b. Student ID card is required not only to have access to all of University’s
buildings/facilities but also for registration, entrance to examination hall,
fee payment, borrowing books & references from the library etc.
c. Student ID card shall not be transferrable to anyone under any
circumstances. In the event if this happens, it will be treated as
disciplinary offence.
15.2 Reissuance of Student ID Card
a. Student ID card must be replaced / reissued for the following reasons:
i. Extension of study duration
ii. Damaged or lost
b. A renewal fee of RM20.00 shall be imposed
15.3 Usage of Mobile Phone / Smart Watch / Other Electronic Devices
Mobile phones / smart watch /other electronic devices are strictly barred from
being carried into any examinations or test sessions. Mobile phones must be
turned-off while in lectures, tutorials or practical classes unless allowed by the
15.4 Appearance
15.4.1 Male Students
a. Students must wear neat and presentable attire whenever on the
University premises.
b. Keep hair well-combed and reasonably short. Students are not
allowed to sport ‘tails’ or dye their hair, wear caps and other head
gear (except for religious purposes).
c. Ensure beard and moustache neat and well groomed.
d. Students are not allowed to have body piercings and tattoos.
e. The University prohibits student from wearing attire printed with
offensive words and obscene pictures.
M a n a g e m e n t a n d S c i e n c e U n i v e r s i t y Page 25