Page 36 - Handbook MBBS
P. 36

Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                           f.    Students  are  required  to  wear  shoes  and  socks.  Slippers  are
                                 prohibited. For laboratory sessions, covered shoes must be worn.

                      15.4.2 Female Students
                           a.    Student must wear neat and presentable attire whenever on the
                                 university premises.
                           b.    The  University  prohibits  tight-fitting  and  revealing  attire,  short
                                 skirts (above knees), skirts with slits, caps and other headgear.
                           c.    The University prohibits student from wearing attire printed with
                                 offensive words and obscene pictures.
                           d.    The University prohibits all kinds of disturbing body piercings and
                           e.    Students  are  required  to  wear  shoes  or  sandals.  Slippers  are
                                 prohibited. For laboratory sessions, covered shoes must be worn.
                           f.    Example of proper dress code to be adopted by all students is as

                       15.4.3  All  students  must  also  observe  the  dress  code  of  institutions  (e.g.
                              hospitals) that they are attached to.

            16.  STUDENTS CONDUCT

                16.1  General Prohibition
                      Students are prohibited from being involved in any of the following activities
                      while in the University premises:
                      a.   Any form of gambling or betting
                      b.   Smoking
                      c.   Showing rudeness, unruly and rowdy behaviour
                      d.   Vandalizing and graffiti writing
                      e.   Circulating  obscene  or  provocative  pictures,  photographs  and  articles
                           including literature and/or paraphernalia

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