Page 32 - Handbook MBBS
P. 32

Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                12.2  Clubs and Societies
                      a.   At  the  University  level,  students  are  encouraged  to  join  clubs  and
                           associations which organize activities to sharpen the students’ soft skills.
                           SCD assists the clubs and associations in preparing proposals for their
                           programmes  and  activities,  and  in  forwarding  the  proposals  to  the
                           President for approval. SCD assigns its officers to supervise and monitor
                           students while the activities are being carried out. SCD also prepares the
                           reports on the activities for record purposes
                      b.   At  the  School  level,  students  registered  for  a  particular  programme
                           automatically  become  the  members  of  the  academic  club.  Activities
                           organized  by  academic  clubs  are  monitored  by  the  Deputy  Dean
                           (Student Affairs) and require the approval from the Dean of the School.
                           The  academic  clubs  may  seek  assistance  SCD  in  implementing  its
                           programs and activities.
                      c.   All students are encouraged to participate in activities organized by the
                           University. Guidelines for organizing and participating in such activities
                           are as follows:
                               i.   Setting up of a new club or society requires at least ten members
                                  with  the  approval  from  the  University's  President.  The  club  or
                                  society is bound by any condition stated by the University
                              ii.  All  clubs  or  societies  must  elect  a  leader,  assistant  leader,  a
                                  secretary and a treasurer
                              iii.   Any student who is interested to become a member of any club
                                  or society may do so by filling up the membership form provided
                              iv.  Proposals for any activities must be submitted to SCD three (3)
                                  weeks before the proposed date of the activity
                              v.   The  proposal  should  include  the  name  of  the  activity,  activity
                                  date, the objectives, the committee involved for that particular
                                  activity, total participants, and the total budget
                              vi.  If the activity involves a trip, the presence of at least one staff or
                                  academician is necessary
                      d.   The list of SCD clubs and societies available are:
                               i.   Student Representative Council (SRC)
                              ii.  MSU Facilitator
                              iii.   President List Club (PLC)
                              iv.  Kelab Taekwan Do
                              v.   Persatuan Seni Gayung Fatani
                              vi.  Persatuan Seni Silat Pusaka Cekak Ustaz Hanafi

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