Page 28 - Handbook MBBS
P. 28

Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                                               Table 5: Insurance Coverage
                   No      Types of Medical        Maximum Amount Covered (RM)
                    1   Death                   10,000.00
                    2   Permanent Disability    10,000.00
                    3   Ward Charges            60.00 per day for maximum of 120 days
                    4   ICU                     200.00 per day for maximum of 15 days
                    5   Medical Expenses        As charged
                    6   Ambulance Fees          200.00
                    7   Organ Transplant        NIL
                      d.   All international students who entered Malaysia from March 2013 are
                           covered  by  insurance  governed  by  Education  Malaysia  Global  Services
                           (EMGS). Refer to for the policy and coverage details.

                9.2  Procedures
                      Students must comply with these procedures when forwarding their claims to
                      avoid any inconveniences:
                      a.   Submit Medical Report together with the claim form to SCD. Claim form
                           can be obtained from the Registrar Office (Admission & Records).
                      b.   Submit  a  police  report  for  road  accident  cases.  Police  report  must  be
                           lodged within 24 hours after any accident.
                      c.   Claims must be submitted within 30 days from the time of the accident
                           or illness. Claims forwarded after the deadline shall not be entertained.

                9.3  Health Insurance Coverage (Bangalore Campus)
                      a.   The main health insurance coverage to the students is provided by two
                               i.  Oriental Health Insurance
                              ii.  National Health Insurance
                      b.   Students  have  to  contact  the  IMS  administration  office  for  further
                           information and guidance.


                a.    Shah Alam Campus
                      Accommodation  may  be  arranged  through  Business  &  Entrepreneurial
                      Development department (BED)
                b.    Bangalore Campus
                      The Apartment is located 2 km from the School.

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