Page 30 - Handbook MBBS
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Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019
management. It is also a platform that allows for online interaction
among students, faculty staff and the management.
b. Functions of eKLAS
Using eKLAS, students will have access to the followings:
i. Examination timetable
ii. Examination entrance slip
iii. Examination results
iv. Access to online fee payment facilities
v. Lecture notes
vi. Electronic materials
11.4 Mail
Mail received for students shall be sorted on daily basis and placed at the
University Information Centre. Students may check their mail through the
officer in charge at the University Information Centre.
11.5 E-mail
Students will be provided individual official university email address. All
information pertaining to registration, students’ activities, functions,
programmes, etc. will be communicated using this email.
11.6 Lost Property
Should the situation arise, students may proceed to the SCD Office to report on
loss of any property. Property found in the campus area must be reported and
sent to the SCD Office immediately.
12.1 Students Representative Council (SRC)
a. The Students Representative Council (SRC) is a body appointed by the
President. Voting or election of the SRC is done on a yearly basis by the
students of the University. The SRC is established to acknowledge the
students' rights, functions and obligations:
i. Students who have registered with the University are
automatically a member of the MSU Student Council
ii. The MSU Student Council may elect a Main Committee known as
the Students Representative Council (SRC)
M a n a g e m e n t a n d S c i e n c e U n i v e r s i t y Page 20