Page 27 - Handbook MBBS
P. 27
Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019
b. Application form for PTPTN and MARA shall be obtained at the Bursar
Office (Accounts Department). Students shall be guided accordingly in
applying for study loans.
8.2 Yayasan MSU
Established in line with MSU’s Educational Objectives in providing financial
assistance for eligible students and financially challenged. Eligibility for these
scholarships is based on the socio economic background of the student.
8.3 Non-payment of Tuition Fees
Failure to settle all fees due before the stipulated date may cause one or
several of the following to be enforced:
a. Withdrawal of access to lectures, tutorials, lab sessions and library
b. Deferral of consideration for an award by the Senate until the debt is
c. Withholding of invitation to and/or participation in a convocation
ceremony where applicable
d. Exclusion from the Installment Plan scheme thus required to pay all
outstanding fees in full
e. Permanent or temporary exclusion from the University
f. Students with outstanding fees may only enrol or be re-admitted at the
discretion of the President
g. Referral to external debt collection agency
h. Legal action to recover the monies owed
9.1 Policy and Coverage (Shah Alam Campus)
a. The insurance policy for students is available under the Group Hospital
and Surgical Takaful Scheme. Students need to pay a premium of
RM50.00 per year to be covered under this scheme.
b. This scheme covers any kind of road accidents at any time as long as the
student is still registered with the University.
c. Details of coverage per person is according to the followings:
M a n a g e m e n t a n d S c i e n c e U n i v e r s i t y Page 17