Page 22 - Handbook MBBS
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Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                5.5  Medical Check-up
                      a.   It is compulsory for new students to complete their medical check-up
                           prior to enrolling into the University. The Medical check-up form shall be
                           printed from the University’s website.
                      b.   The  expenses  involved  shall  be  borne  by  the  students.  The  University
                           reserves the right to deny admission to those who are certified unfit by a
                           qualified physician.
                      c.   In cases where students develop a medical condition while a semester is
                           in  progress  and  if  the  condition  is  detrimental  to  their  wellbeing,  the
                           University will advise the students to discontinue their studies until such
                           a time when a qualified physician certifies that the students have fully
                           recovered from the medical condition or illness.

                5.6   Personal Records / Documents
                      a.   All documents and records submitted by students when applying as well
                           as during registration process are non-returnable and shall be kept by
                           the Admission and Records Department, Registrar Office.
                      b.   Personal data and all assessment results shall be kept and continuously
                           updated electronically using eKLAS.
                      c.   Students  are  responsible  to  immediately  notify  the  Admission  and
                           Records Department, Registrar Office, should there  be any changes in
                           their  personal  details  such  as  the  contact  address  and  telephone
                      d.   All information received are considered confidential and shall be made
                           available only to the University authorised personnel.

                5.7   Residential Permits (Applicable to MBBS students in Bangalore Campus only)
                      a.   As per laws of the government of India, all International students MUST
                           have residential permit to reside in India. Students have to apply for the
                           same within ten (10) days of entering India and should submit a copy of
                           the following documents to the Police Commissioner of Bangalore, India:

                               i.   Admission letter from the University
                              ii.  Eligibility  certificate  addressed  to  the  police  commissioner,
                                  Foreign Regional Registration Office (FRRO)
                              iii.   Visa
                              iv.  Eight (8) passport-sized photographs.

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