Page 23 - Handbook MBBS
P. 23
Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019
b. Students must keep the residential permit carefully and handy at all
times. They are responsible for getting the permit renewed from time to
time, depending on the need. The IMS administrative office will provide
any guidance needed for the same.
5.8 Transfer Programme
a. Students may transfer their programme of study to another programme
within the University.
b. Students are required to inform the faculty and get approval from
Registrar Office (Admission & Records) for Programme Transfer.
c. It is important for students to meet the minimum entry requirements
for the programme to be transferred.
5.9 Transfer Students
a. The diversity of medical school curricula and the integration of the
curriculum at individual Schools require that application for transfer
between medical school, and to other course, be considered on an
individual basis.
b. This is to ensure that courses taken previously are compatible with the
programme to be entered.
c. Application for transfer is upon the approval of University Senate.
5.10 Credits transfer
Credit transfer is only allowed under the following circumstances:
a. Students are still enrolled in current university.
b. Transfer takes place between recognized universities listed in the
Second Schedule of the Medical Act 1971.
c. Students from provisionally or yet-to-be accredited Schools must
demonstrate achievements that are comparable to the year of study to
join after mapping of curricula.
d. All credit transfer cases must be approved by the Malaysian Medical
Council PRIOR to the transfer.
a. Academic Calendar shall be issued to the students at the beginning of the
academic session by the Vice Chancellor Office.
b. Students may access and view the Academic Calendar from MSU website
(http/ or e-KLAS (http// It is the
M a n a g e m e n t a n d S c i e n c e U n i v e r s i t y Page 13