Page 39 - Handbook MBBS
P. 39

Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                          16.3.1  Appeals Procedures
                                 Students  are  given  (7)  seven  days  after  the  date  stated  in  the
                                 letter to make any appeal on the penalties. The appeal must be
                                 sent  directly  to  the  Admission  &  Record  Department,  Registrar

                          16.3.2  Outcome of Appeal
                                 The  Registrar  will  forward  the  appeal  to  the  President  for
                                 reconsideration of the appeal. Once approved or disapproved, the
                                 result is final, and any further appeal will not be entertained.


                17.1  General Rules and Regulations
                      a.   Only registered students of MSU are eligible to use the library.
                      b.   Students  are  requested  to  display  their  student’s  ID  card  prominently
                           upon entering the library.
                      c.   Students should be in proper attire and observe a reasonable code of
                           conduct within the Library. Slippers, tight fitting trousers or short pants
                           should not be worn in the library.
                      d.   Good order and silence shall be observed in all public-reading areas. The
                           staff as well as the security personnel has the right to ask students, who
                           may deem disturbing the peace of the library to leave. Any discussions
                           shall be done in the designated rooms.
                      e.   Food residues attract insects and rodents. Water and liquids will damage
                           library  materials.  Eating,  drinking  and  smoking  are  prohibited  in  the
                           library to preserve library collections,
                      f.   In order to maintain the library collections in good condition, students
                           must  handle  the  library  materials  carefully.  Books  and  other  library
                           materials must not be mutilated or defaced. Full replacement cost will
                           be charged if such damaged is caused. Borrowers are held responsible
                           for the safe custody of any material used or on loan to them.
                      g.   All students leaving the library in possession of books or anything must
                           ensure that materials on loan have been scanned and synthesized. The
                           exit  is  equipped  with  electronic  security  detection  system  to  detect
                      h.   Study places may not be reserved in the library. Items including library
                           materials, left unattended on the library reading tables or carrels maybe
                           removed by librarian.

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