Page 38 - Handbook MBBS
P. 38

Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                      16.2.2 Penalties
                                        Table 7: Category of Penalties
                                Class A                                Class B
                  Any one or a combination of the following   Any one or a combination of the
               Expulsion from the University              Notification  letter  to  sponsor  (if
                                                          applicable) and parents or guardian
               Suspension  from  the  University  not  exceeding  Perform community service
               one (1) semester
               Notification  to  the  sponsor  (if  applicable)  and  Given written warning
               parents or guardians
               Expulsion  or  failure  of  all  or  part  of  the  A minimum charge of RM50.00
               assessment or a re-sit of the paper for cheating in
               examinations or plagiarism cases
               Barred from examinations
               Probation and to attend counselling session
               Given written warning
               A minimum charge of RM 150.00

                16.3  Hearing
                      a.   If students are suspected or found to have committed a serious offence,
                           they shall be called by the Disciplinary Board to attend a hearing session.
                           The Board will conduct a thorough investigation on each case. Students
                           MUST  attend  the  hearing session,  failing  which,  will  cause  him/her  to
                           face  disciplinary  action  as  stated  in  the  Student  Handbook.  Parents,
                           guardians and sponsor (if applicable) will be informed about the hearing.
                      b.   Witness  (or  witnesses)  will  be  called  forward  to  assist  in  the
                           investigation.  Any  materials  or  document  of  proof  to  support  the
                           investigation will also be included in the hearing.
                      c.   Upon  completion  of  the  investigation,  the  Board  will  come  to  a
                           unanimous  agreement  on  the  penalties  to  be  incurred  based  on  the
                           Student Rules and Regulations.
                      d.   Any  outcome  on  the  hearing  will  be  forwarded  to  the  President  for
                           verification and approval. Upon approval by the President, there must
                           not be any change in the outcome.
                      e.   The student will be informed on the outcome of the hearing through a
                           letter.  A  copy  of  the  letter  will  also  be  given  to  the  Examination  &
                           Awards department, parents, guardians, and sponsor (if applicable).

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