Page 41 - Handbook MBBS
P. 41

Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                      e.   Students  must  also  ensure  that  the  book  on  loan  is  scanned  and
                           synthesized  before  leaving  the  library.  Students  must  proceed  to  the
                           library  counter  immediately  if  the  alarm  of  the  detection  system  is
                      f.   “Blacklisted”  students,  who  failed  to  return  the  book(s)  after  its  due
                           date, students who are found guilty by the University Disciplinary Board
                           and required to pay a certain amount as a penalty but still pending, will
                           be banned from borrowing any materials from the library.
                      g.   Under  normal  circumstances,  Reference  Books  (REF),  Red  Spot  (RS),
                           magazines,  newspapers,  thesis,  project  papers,  and  past  year
                           examination  questions  cannot  be  borrowed.  However,  upon  formal
                           request, approval to borrow any of the items shall be at the discretion of
                           the Chief Librarian.

                17.4  Book Reservation
                      a.   Reservation of book is allowed maximum 7 at one time.
                      b.   The  requested  book  will  be  placed  on-hold  by  the  library  under  the
                           requester’s name.
                      c.   The reserved material will be kept for a maximum of three (3) days only
                           after which it shall be returned to the shelf.
                      d.   All reservations must be made and collected personally.

                17.5  Renewal of loan
                      a.   Users are allowed to renew their loan provided that the book is not on
                           reserved. The duration will depend on the category.
                      b.   Users can only renew the same book 3 times.
                      c.   Overdue book cannot be renewed unless the fine is settled first.

                17.6  Overdue Materials
                      a.   Users must return the book(s) before or on the date as stamped on the
                           due date slip and before the semester break.
                      b.   Fines will be imposed for users who returned the book(s) after the due
                           date, as per follows:
                               i.   Open Shelf Category: RM0.50 per day for each book;
                              ii.  Red Spot Category: RM1.00 per day for each book;
                              iii.   If the book is lost or damaged, students are required to pay or
                                  replace the book. The library will only accept the latest edition of
                                  that particular book which in the market at that time.

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