Page 18 - Handbook MBBS
P. 18

Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019


                a.  University
                    Management and Science University (MSU).

                b.  Senate
                    The  academic  governing  body  of  MSU  comprises  of  representatives  from
                    Faculties, Schools, Centres and Administrative departments.

                c.  University Academic Committee (UAC)
                    UAC is the body that reports and proposes to Senate on matters pertaining to
                    academic  policies,  conduct  and  operations.  The  committee  comprises  of  all
                    Deans, Deputy Deans, Directors and is chaired by the Vice President Academic.

                d.  School Academic Committee (SAC)
                    SAC is the body that reports and proposes to UAC/Senate on matters pertaining
                    to  academic  conduct  and  operations.  The  committee  comprises  of  all  Deputy
                    Deans and Year Coordinators and is chaired by the Dean.

                e.  Dean
                    A senior academic staff appointed by the University as Head of academic who is
                    fully responsible for the development and operation of the School.

                f.  Deputy Deans
                    Senior  academic  staff  appointed  by  the  University  who  are  responsible  in
                    managing the academic operations and students support at the School.

                g.  Year Coordinator
                    A senior member of the school appointed by the University to assist Dean and
                    Deputy Deans in handling the programmes offered by the school.

                h.  Head of Unit
                    A member of the school appointed by the School to assist Year Coordinators in
                    coordinating academic activities for a particular programme.

                i.  Academic Advisors (Mentors)
                    Members of the school who are assigned to look after students’ academic and
                    overall wellbeing through mentoring system.

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