Page 21 - Handbook MBBS
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Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                              ii.  One (1) certified copy of Foundation or Matriculation or Diploma
                                  or its equivalent transcript and certificate;
                              iii.   One (1) certified copy of MyCard for both students and parents;
                              iv.  One (1) certified copy of J-Form from parents or guardians; and
                              v.   Two (2) passport-sized photographs.
                      b.   Students shall be accepted into the MBBS programme according to the
                           entrance qualifications as per regulated and gazetted by the Ministry of
                           Education  (MoE),  Malaysian  Qualifications  Agency  (MQA),  Malaysian
                           Medical Council and the University.
                      c.   Proficiency in the English Language is compulsory. Students shall have
                           attained a level of competence in English to enable them to complete
                           the course successfully.
                      d.   Upon  meeting  the  minimum  entrance  qualification as  stated  in  6.1(b)
                           and 6.1(c) student has to appear for Medical Entrance Test.
                      e.   Successful  students  will  be  notified  and  acceptance  of  offer  must  be
                           confirmed within two (2) weeks from the offered date; failing which, the
                           university will assume that he/she is not accepting the offer.
                      f.   The academic terms start in October and April each year.

                5.2   Registration
                      Students  must  adhere  to  the  registration  date  stated  in  the  Letter  of  Offer.
                      However, should there be a genuine circumstance leading to inability to do so,
                      notification to the Admission and Record Department, Registrar Office must be
                      made  and  consideration  for  postponement  of  registration  to  the  following
                      intake shall be given.

                5.3   Online Application
                      Online registration is open to all new students. Application form is available on
                      the  MSU  website.  Completed  application  form  should  be  forwarded  to  the
                      Engagement  &  Enrolment  Department  (E&E)  for  processing.  The  E&E
                      Department  will  advise  all  applicants  on  additional  documents  required  to
                      support the applications.

                5.4  Graduate Entry
                      Students shall be granted a direct entry into the MBBS programme as endorsed
                      by the Senate and approved by the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC).

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