Page 19 - Handbook MBBS
P. 19

Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                j.  Assistant Manager for School
                    Administrative  officers  assigned  to  assist  in  handling  academic  and
                    administrative tasks of the school.

                k.  Intakes
                    There are 2 intakes per year; which are in October and April.

                l.  Academic Year
                    Academic year is a period of study prescribed for the particular intake.

                m.  Progression of Studies
                    Students’ progression of studies to the subsequent academic year shall depend
                    on the performance of the student according to assessment of each academic

                n.  Course Exemption
                    Course  exemption  is  situation  whereby  students  are  exempted  for  certain
                    course(s)  approved  by  the  senate.  However,  the  exempted  course(s)  must
                    replaced be with other course(s) to fulfil credit requirements to complete their
                    programme of study. For example, students who have taken TITAS in diploma
                    programme  of  study  may  replace  this  with  other  course  determined  by  the
                    University when he/she registers for the bachelor programme of study.

                o.  Health or Other Extenuating Circumstances
                    A  situation  whereby  a  student  is  unfit  to  perform  his/her  responsibility  in
                    fulfilling  the  requirements  of  his/her  registered  programmes,  due  to  either
                    medical reason or other unavoidable condition. A medical report/certificate or
                    documented  verification  must  be  presented  to  satisfy  the  Senate  before  a
                    student is declared ‘unfit’.

                p.  Disciplinary Board
                    A  body  appointed  and  authorized  by  the  University to  manage  all  disciplinary
                    matters among students who may be involved in any misconduct. The board is
                    chaired  by  an  appointed  Vice  President  or  equivalent  senior  University
                    personnel. Its members comprises of representatives from the Faculties, Schools
                    or Centres as well as the Administration department. The board shall meet as
                    and when deemed necessary, making inquiries and hold hearing sessions prior to
                    proposing a verdict for approval and endorsement of the Senate.

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