Page 44 - Handbook MBBS
P. 44

Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                18.1  Student’s responsibilities:
                      a.   Take reasonable care for their health and safety as well as of others who
                           may be affected by what they do or fail to do.
                      b.   Co-operate  with  all  University  staff  to  maintain  a  healthy  and  safe
                           environment  by  following  University  policies  and  safety  rules  or
                      c.   Never interfere with, or misuse, anything provided for health, safety and
                           welfare  in  the  University  (such  as  fire  alarm/extinguisher/smoke
                           detectors /first-aid equipment etc.)

                18.2  University Responsibilities
                      The University does not accept responsibility and excludes liability for any loss
                      or damage to students’ property, including damage to any vehicle whilst on its
                      premises unless caused by the negligence of the University or its employees; or
                      death or personal injury suffered by students, unless caused by the negligence
                      of the University or its employees.

                18.3  Hazard Spotting
                      The University’s premises or campus is generally safe. However, this can only
                      be  maintained  by  everyone  taking  responsibility  for  spotting  hazards,  and
                      reporting  them  before  someone  is  harmed.  If  a  potential  health  and  safety
                      problem  is  encountered  or  seen,  students  are  urged  to  inform  their  tutor,
                      lecturer, mentor, or any University staff.

                18.4  Safety Exits
                      All work or study areas must be kept as clear as possible, and passageways,
                      corridors and stairs must be kept free of any obstructions that might lead to
                      accidents. More importantly, all the escape routes and fire exits must be kept
                      clear and free of combustible materials.

                18.5  Smoking
                      The University adopts a NO SMOKING policy throughout its buildings.

                18.6  Emergency Situation
                      The  Students  Career  &  Development  Office  must  be  referred  to  in  all
                      emergency situations.

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