Page 45 - Handbook MBBS
P. 45

Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

            19.  ALUMNI
                a.    The  University  has  established  its  own  Alumni  Society  and  it  was  officially
                      launched by the Chancellor on July 19, 2005. To this date, many activities have
                      been planned and organized to ensure that the close relationship between the
                      University and the alumni members. It is hoped that the MSU Alumni Society
                      will become an effective channel of communication among its members and
                      the University.
                b.    The Alumni Unit encourages the alumni to assist current students in preparing
                      for their professional future in the following ways:
                        i.   Invitation to give career talks and share work experience
                       ii.   Exposure to the workplace through industrial visits arranged by alumni
                       iii.   Workshops organized by alumni on career pathways
                       iv.   Internship for current students through alumni
                       v.   Job placement of students through alumni
                c.    Networking is done with the alumni in various ways:
                        i.   Invitation to attend social events and annual Alumni Dinner
                       ii.   Invitation to give talks and conduct workshops
                       iii.   Participation  in  sports  and  games  with  the  Management,  staff  and
                           students of the University
                       iv.   Participation in recreational programmes


                The  Graduate  Employability  Skill  (GEmS)  program  is  a  system  that  allows  the
                structured  compilation  of  extracurricular  activities  with  evidence  and  soft-skills
                assessment that a student has participated in throughout the learning years in the
                university. Upon graduation, a student will be awarded the GEmS Skills transcript.

                20.1  Extra-Curricular Activities
                      The extracurricular activities are classified as follows:
                      a.   Community Services
                      b.   Industry Linkages
                      c.   Club memberships / societies
                      d.   Internal Competitions
                      e.   External Competitions
                      f.   Personal Enrichment Training
                      g.   International Study Tour
                      h.   Professional Certification
                      i.   Sporting Events

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