Page 46 - Handbook MBBS
P. 46

Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                20.2  Minimum Participation
                      a.   Students  are  encouraged  to  participate  in  the  various  extracurricular
                           activities throughout their learning years in the university.
                      b.   Students  may  participate  in  extracurricular  activities  organized  by  the
                           faculties, SCD, mentors or any other parties.
                      c.   Students are encouraged to participate a minimum number of activities
                           based on the classification as follows:

                                      Table 9: Classification of Activities
                                                   Certificate   Diploma     Bachelor
                  Community Services                    1           2           3
                  Industry Linkages (internal)          1           3           3
                  Industrial Linkages (externa)         *           2           3
                  Club / Societies / Associations       1           2           2
                  Competition/Sport                     1           1           1
                  Personal Enrichment                   1           4           6
                  Internationalization                  *           *           *
                  Professional Certification            *           *           *
                       *Strongly encouraged to participate

                20.3  Soft-skills Assessment
                      Soft skill ability of student shall be assessed throughout the programme. The
                      summarised assessment shall be presented in the GEmS Skills transcript.

                20.4  Evidence Compilation
                      a.  Compilation  of  the  physical  extracurricular  activities  participation
                          evidences shall be the responsibility of the student.
                      b.  The mentor shall be responsible in guiding their mentees to participate in
                          the minimum number of activities and also in the compiling of evidences.
                      c.  All  physical  evidences  are  to  be  compiled  by  students  in  a  portfolio,  ie
                          Graduate Employability Portfolio.

                20.5  Certification
                      A student who has successfully completed the minimum recommended extra-
                      curricular  activities  indicated  in  the  table  above  will  be  awarded  the  Gems
                      Skills Transcript upon graduation.

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