Page 14 - Handbook MBBS
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Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

                      h.   To foster entrepreneurial skills and lifelong learning.

                      Goal 2 : Provide Affordable Educational Opportunities
                      a.   To enhance the University’s visibility to the community through quality
                           programs and competitive fees.
                      b.   To provide financial assistance for eligible students based on merit and
                           socio-economic background.
                      c.   To promote equal access to higher education.
                      d.   To  develop  access  and  progress  routes  for  students  from  all

                      Goal 3 : Strengthen The Quality Of Academic Programmes
                      a.   To acquire recognition, accreditation and  certification for all academic
                           programs from local and international bodies.
                      b.   To attain professional certification for relevant programmes.
                      c.   To engage external assessors and reviewers in benchmarking the quality
                           of programmes.
                      d.   To  conduct  regular  internal  audits  and  curriculum  reviews  in  ensuring
                           compliance to standards and good practices of academic delivery.
                      e.   To  conduct  periodic  assessments  and  evaluations  to  motivate  and
                           upgrade students’ learning.
                      f.   To  obtain  regular  and  systematic  feedback  from  stakeholders  for
                           continual quality improvement (CQI).
                      g.   To  build  continuous  improvement  using  feedback  mechanisms  from
                           various stakeholders.
                      h.   To  increase  involvement  of  experts  from  the  industries  through
                           University-Industry Advisory Panel (UIAP).
                      i.   To deliver institutional growth expansion of degree programmes in areas
                           of significant demands.

                      Goal 4 : Foster Holistic Academic Excellence
                      a.   To maintain competent faculty in ensuring quality teaching and learning
                      b.   To  foster  academic  excellence  through  mentoring  and  thoughtful
                           guidance from faculty.
                      c.   To  provide  opportunities  for  professional  development  in  teaching,
                           learning and assessment.
                      d.   To  develop  recognition  and  reward  systems  to  encourage  teaching,
                           learning and academic excellence.

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