Page 51 - Handbook MBBS
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Student Handbook - Rules and Academic Regulations (MBBS) Academic Session 2018/2019

           9)   Reproductive
           10) Nervous System
           11) Molecular Biology, Nutrition & Metabolic Disorders (Year 1) / Community Medicine (Year 2)
           Continuous assessment                                                    40%
           Seminars                           1/student                             5%
           Practical log book                 Skill lab                             10%
           DSL                             2 DSL                                    10%
           Progress Test 2                                                          15%

           Final Semester Exam                                                      60%

           MCQ                              60 questions / 2 Hour                   10%
                                           T/F question/ One Best Answer
           MEQ                             2 questions (20 minutes / question)      20%
           SEQ                             2 questions (20 minutes / question)      10%
           OSPE               20 stations   3 minutes / station                     20%
           Total                                                                   100%

           Covering 11 modules in Year 1 and Year 2
           Assessment Components
           MCQ                Paper 1      Sem 1 : 60 questions / 2 Hour            10  %
                                           T/F question/ One Best Answer
                              Paper 2      Sem 2 : 60 questions / 2 Hour)
                                           T/F question/ One Best Answer
           MEQ                Paper 1      2 questions (20 minutes / question)      20%
                              Paper 2      2 questions(20 minutes / question)
           SEQ                Paper 1      2 questions(20 minutes / question)       10%
                              Paper 2      2 questions(20 minutes / question)
           OSPE               20 stations   3 minutes / station                     20%

           GRAND TOTAL                                                                   100%

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